Dr Ayed Zatar

To the attention of:

Honorable Congressmen:


Claming Justice for the Palestinians and respectful to the American citizenship.

We the undersigned are Americans; after the hard investigation about the situation of the Palestinians, we conclude as follow:

First )- The FACT that the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people never can be ignored specially by our government as the only power in this world.

Second )- Our administration is under the obedience of the Zionist movements and under their disposal, it is obvious, is how they are supporting this terrorist State of Israel.

This State is the product of many terrorist groups before 1948, these terrorist groups committed many massacre against the defenseless people of Palestine, to stabilize this State named Israel in Palestine . gentlemen , this State caused the worst situation to all nations in this world, specially to our American nation, who converted the victim of this consequence.

Third )- This Administration’s leaders declared too many times conflicts and wars who create the permanent conflicts using their interference between nations, so, really they are using the destructives policy which resulted disasters to our innocent people. We need stability, loves but not hates and rancorous of nations.

Fourth )- The biggest devil who contributed to our worst situation in the views of the International communities , is the Zionism represented by the State of Israel.

If our Administration Ignored the real danger to our nation, I advice this administration to open their eyes and to use their wise, and to wake up from their dream , because the great danger to the United States and to the International communities , is the International Zionist represented by the terrorist State of Israel , because they are causing continually the disasters to the social-economic and social-politic crisis to all nations in this world.

Gentlemen, this State is, the obstacle to our credit, our reputation and our moral. Although it is the obstacle of the peace and stability of nations, specially for the defenseless people of Palestine, who considered the victims.

The leaders who are in the top of our government, they declare wars and create permanent conflicts using their interference between nations, so, really they use destructive policy which resulting disasters against our innocent American people. We need stability but not hate and rancorous of nations.

Fourth) - There is a great danger to the United States Of America, and to the International communities, this great danger is the Zionist International movement represented by the State of Israel, because who is causing the international social-economic and social-politic crisis, this State is the Obstacle to our accreditation, our reputation and our moral. Although it is the obstacle of the peace and stability of nations especially for the defenseless Palestinians.

What happen to the Palestinians ??

For the knowledge of the members of our legislative, there are thirty eight thousand ( 38,000 ) American citizenship in the Palestinian occupied territories, those are in the west bank only, some of them are residents because they works their , others are visiting families, others wish to stabilize there, as their ancient homeland, and some as investors, some others as professional people or businessmen, some of others are students in schools or universities.

In this case, we are protesting against the Israeli government’s behavior and attitude who acting against the American citizenship especially against those who are from origin of Palestine, we as the victims, confirmed our consternation for this discrimination and the barbarism committed by them.

This attitude is under the silent of our American leaders in respect, all of those citizenships passing in worst situation, because some of them have their wife’s or husbands, some, has his or her parents or sons or others relatives , so, our citizenship in most of time not permitted to enter at the Palestinian territories, while the Israeli welcome to our territory!!

On behalf of this research, we are claming our dignity our liberty and our freedom, and we need to protect the right of foreign passport holders residing or visiting this Palestinian occupied territories , to have free entries without restraining their liberty , as is in the same of any Israeli who comes to our territories without any restraining.

We have not to ignore the time a great achievement of history is within reach the creation of a peaceful democratic Palestinian state , which Mr. President George W. Bush statement welcoming Palestinian Presidents Yasser Arafat and Mahmud Abbas to the white house, where he announced that welcome to a new state of Palestine, side beside the Israeli state. The question is what happen with frequently resolutions to resolve this problem of Palestinians? What is the matter with the Administration when they continually change their policy from bad to worst?

Other question is where is our president Mr. George W. Bush, who promises to establish the Palestinian state? But, where he wants to establish this State??

Is it in that territory where been articulated by gendarmes state of Israel?

Or in each village will convert it a states under name of Palestinian state between suctions; A, or in B, or in C.

Our views that there are a recognition from our government, that the Palestinian have rights to live in peace, under their Independent state with harmony and stability, as other notions in this world . So, it is a story that the western world tells with the western eyes, and that story does not comprehend the scale of the gap and the scale of the problem.

We too are sweeping it under the carpet….we have created a paradigm that will generate an illusion. We have to think in long- terms historical terms, to think about a lengthy process, not some something that is finished here and now, and give us an end to the conflict.

There is no such solution now, Mr. President George W. Bush, while you officially talks about the creation of a Palestinian State as in theory, because it needs formalities and fact, he needs to effective the reality and to disarticulate the Israeli settlement in the west Bank and Gaza there is a difficult to do so, because the Israeli occupation, have been articulated the territory into small area as each village under suctions A,B, and C as we mentioned above, where each village and city converted in a small jail?

So the Israeli State is the obstacle for the peace process and for stability of the region, and obstacle for our American citizenship, because some of those Americans have their wife’s, husbands, parents, and too many relatives in Palestinian territory, and Israeli territory living under Israeli military occupation for over 57 years, their occupation is not only of the longest standing in contemporary world history, but has also been distinguished by any incredible amount of repressive creativity.

We have to know that our world is a small village and the transportation technology reduced the distance between countries in this world and the society’s emigration to every where without cessations.

Our leaders are not in the streets of the Palestinian occupied territory, to see what happening there, and how the Palestinians live under the clemency of bombs and guns of the Israeli solders!!

Israel has employed an ever increasing array of means and ways to oppress Palestinian’s basic human rights while maintaining a level of discrimination, that if applied anywhere else in the world, would shock the world into action.

The most recent adulation to Israel’s “Matrix of controls” is to deny Palestinians and foreign nationals that do not hold an Israeli issued Palestinian I. D. entry into, or residence in Palestine, the results are catastrophic families are being separated, investors are exiting the country, educators are unable to reach their schools and universities, students education is being disrupted, and elderly are being left without caretakers just to state some of the ramifications of such a policy, this undeclared Israeli policy of denying entry, is currently in effect and can only be attributed to the Israeli government’s continued actions, of unilateralism which defies international and humanitarian low, agreements preciously signed and witnessed by international parties.

Palestinians have inalienable rights that cannot be ignored; the irony of this policy is historic!! Denying Palestinians access to their family structures and human resources, while the international community.

Israel include is demanding of Palestinians, to create the most democratic modern, transparent, accountable and productive society in the region, is not only a recipe for failure, but one that will only embroil more Palestinians to fall into even a despair deeper than what their reality has already created.

Development is a human right, a right to education, requires students, teachers and universities professors are in Palestine!! A right to economics development requires entrepreneurs, investors, managers, employees, suppliers, consultants and consumers are in Palestine!! A right to social order and well being requires families be united, not separated as the wife in Palestine and her husband in Jordan or the husband in Palestine and his wife in Jordan, or children in other country and their mother in Palestine so and so and so !!

The ultimate resolution to the ongoing conflict is the complete end to the Israeli military occupation, once and for all not a unilateral redeployment, and not a half cooked discriminatory entry policy, this would mean:

A - Palestinians have sovereign control over their agreed borders;

B - The recognized population registry belongs to the Palestinians themselves, not to the occupiers; until such a time that Israel’s military occupation of Palestinians ends, it is imperative under international and humanitarian law that Israel respects basic human needs of the occupied population, therefore, we declare our insistence on the most basic human rights such as the:

1- The protection of the right of Palestinian ID holders to have their non – ID spouses, children, parents, caretakers reside with them in the occupied Palestinian territory.

2 - Guaranteed permanent visitation rights of spouses and family members of Palestinian ID holders to the occupied Palestinian territory.

3 - Guaranteed visitation rights by foreign nationals, including professionals, foreign eyewitnesses and peace activists who are in solidarity with the Palestinian people, to the occupied Palestinian territory without discriminating against their ethnic origin or religious affiliation.

4 - The immediate cessation of Israeli interference in the development of the Palestinian economy, education and health systems, and civil society through the occupier’s denial of entry of these seeking to contribute to Palestinian development.

We call upon the international community and all governments whose citizens are victims of the current Israeli policy of denying them access to the occupied Palestinian territory to uphold their responsibilities, especially those under the fourth Geneva Convention as they pertain to the “protection of an occupied population” under military rule.


1- Protected permanent right of entry and residence in the Palestinian territory for those who wish to reside, work, travel or pursue their education in side the Palestinian territory; instead of just permanent visitation rights.

2- protection from Israeli disruption of the native Palestinian people capacity to maintain and develop their society by prohibiting access to the necessary human resources by their parents, investors , educators , health professionals or otherwise .

As the last ten and more of years have proven peace processes can take forever. In the meantime, all Israeli unilateral measures, such as emptying Palestine of it is native Palestinian population and non Palestinian contributing to the development of their country are illegal, and a threat to peace, stability and prosperity in the whole region.

3- protection by ambaries of their national’s right to freely travel through Israeli borders in order reach the Palestinian territory, including their right to access and utilize their property, reside, work or pursue their education there.


An undeclared Israeli policy is currently in effect it denies entry and pre entry at Israeli borders to nationals of foreign countries, even those seeking to enter far a short period of time , but specially if they live with their Palestinian spouses and families or are Palestinian expatriate nationals or are working in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Israel is arbitrarily declared and controlled international border crossing to the Palestinian occupied territory, separating families , causing unjustified hardships, impeding development , and destroying the spirit of familiarity and nations.


Since 1967, Israel has maintained complete control over the registration of Palestinians in the population registry of the occupied territory, and over the granting of permits to visit the occupied territory.

This control continued extend to the Rafah’s border crossing on Gaza strip ever after Israel is disengagement.”


In the past few months Israel has without prior warning denied re-entry to people who have been legally residing in the occupied Palestinian territory on their own or with their spouses and children for years on the basis of tourist or other kinds of visas that had been renewed at frequent intervals through their living and re-entering the country, as had been required by Israel.

These people are now stranded in Jordan or in the west bank in their countries of citizenship, separated from their families, from their work and property, others are afraid to leave for fear of facing the same fate.


Representatives at consular services of countries, whose citizens are now arbitrarily and selectively denied entry visas, though sympathetic, seem unwilling or unable to confront and overturn this policy.


Contrary to a 1951 treaty to friendship, commerce and navigation between Israel and United States to permit nationals of either party to enter the territories of the other party, to travel therein freely to reside at places of their choice, etc., Israel targets Americans of Palestinian origin, mayor of them has property, and some professionals or merchant or investors who will benefits to Palestinian people.

Israel target Americans of Palestinian origin for bad treatment and restricts their travel into and within Israel areas. American citizens of Palestinian origin may be considered by Israeli authorities to be residents of the West bank or Gaza, specially if they were issued a Palestinian ID number or if as minors, they were registered in either of their parent’s, Palestinian IDs, these people are required to obtain a valid Palestinian passports before being permitted to enter.

(U.S. consular information sheet).

Israel suspended family unification procedures for Palestinian residents of the occupied Palestinian territories, married to citizens of other countries shortly after the out break of the last intifada at the end of 2000, these unification procedures had been restricted and intermittent at best. There are now over 60,000 formal applications of family unification on the official “waiting list” of the ministry of civil affairs.


The territorial fragmentation of the west bank and Gaza stripe today is more pervasive that at any point since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967. it is the result of a web of intertwined policies pursue by all consecutive Israeli government regardless or their party affiliation, notably the strict closure regime that has been imposed on the occupied Palestinian territories since the early 1990’s, it is partition into areas A, B and C following the 1995 entire agreement, and the creation of physical facts on the ground on Palestinians land though such measures as large scale house demolition and land expropriation, Jewish settlements and by pass road expansion, and more recently the construction of the separation barriers in the west bank which replicates the fence erected around Gaza in the 1995.

Although some of the measurements such as the closure on the barrier are justified by Israel to some insignificant excuse. They are too far reaching to be seen solely as ad hoc measurement linked to Palestinian security performance, rather they should primarily be understood in the context of Israel is occupation and other policies of territorial expansion aimed at widening it is control and transforming the physical landscape of the west bank and Gaza stripe.


The deterioration of the economic conditions, coupled with continuing Israeli occupation, the building of facts on the ground , and the absence of any real justice and the headway in the diplomatic process, in turn have had serious consequences on the evolution of Palestinian domestic politics since Oslo.

As the much anticipated peace divided failed to materialize, and the Palestinian had to absorb a large proportion of former civil administration personnel and returning Palestinian Liberation Organization “ PLO” activists as well as compensate for the loss of jobs and income, public sector hiring became both a way to provide a safety net for the population and ensure the stability of the regime.


The occupation of Palestine by Israeli government is now unjustified, because Palestine is recognized by world governments, and if it is abuse by its power, we consider the law of the jungle.

The subject testifies to the fact that the resistance to it, nor the repression and terrorism that it entails have diminished. Israel is at this moment tightening it is grip on Palestinian territory, it is purring a ruthless policy of uprooting tens of thousands of people of separating families, creating concentration camps for undesirables, of destroying houses , of arbitrarily keeping thousands of Palestinian under administrative arrest and of confiscating large areas each day of the Palestinian land.

Cordially yours.